Position Statements

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Date Title
Jan 2021

Position statement on Independent Assessment and the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Effective assessment is essential to ensure that people with blindness or low vision who seek support through the National Disability Insurance Scheme get the kinds of equipment, training and other assistance they need. A new, independent assessment process is being introduced to the NDIA to try and make the scheme more accessible, and to make […]

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Nov 2017

Position statement on meeting the needs of people who are blind or vision impaired within the aged care system

Position statement on meeting the needs of people who are blind or vision impaired within the aged care system

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Sep 2016

Position statement on meaningful employment for people with a disability in the Australian Public Service

Position statement on meaningful employment for people with a disability in the Australian Public Service 

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Aug 2016

Position statement on a nationally consistent approach to subsidised spectacle schemes

Vision 2020 Australia endorses the Optometry Australia Principles for nationally consistent subsidised spectacle schemes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: Recommended implementation standards.

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Dec 2015

Position Statement on National Framework Implementation Plan

Vision 2020 Australia wants all Australian governments to develop and endorse a National Framework Implementation Plan for Eye Health and Vision Care (NFIP) that will apply across Australia. We believe the political and policy environment to take direct action to prevent avoidable vision Loss and reduce the impact of blindness and vision impairment already exists. Without direct action through an NFIP, Australia will not meet its international obligations and hundreds of thousands of Australians will continue to be needlessly impacted by blindness and vision loss.

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Dec 2015

Position Statement on National Eye Health Survey September 2014

In collaboration with the eye health and vision care sector, Vision 2020 Australia urges the Australian Government to fund the delivery of a National Eye Health Survey (NEHS) to commence by the end of 2014. The NEHS will be the first representative nationwide study of the burden of major eye disease in Australia. It will close a fundamental gap in evidence based policy and program delivery for eye health and vision care.

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Dec 2015

Position statement on MBS optometry rebate March 2015

Vision 2020 Australia has concerns for Australia’s eye health and vision care resulting from the recent changes to the Medicare Benefits Schedule reducing the patient rebate for optometric consultations which came into effect on 1 January 2015, and the freeze on indexation of this rebate until July 2018.

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Dec 2015

Position Statement on Holistic Specialist Assessment February 2015

Vision 2020 Australia considers it is critical for consumers who are blind or vision impaired seeking support through the NDIS or aged care, to have access to a holistic specialist assessment both at the time of application and during support planning.

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Dec 2015

Position Statement Monitoring Indigenous Access to Cataract Surgery Policy

The removal of barriers to utilisation and access for cataract surgery in order to reduce the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are blind from cataract requires a multi-pronged, whole-of-system approach. 

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Dec 2015

Draft Position Statement on Services and Supports People who are Blind or Vision Impaired

Vision 2020 Australia wants all people who are blind or vision impaired to have equitable access to services and supports, regardless of their age, to ensure their full participation in the community. 

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