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Eye Research Collaborative
Research is integral to achieving our shared mission of ending avoidable blindness and improving opportunities for people who are blind or have low vision. Vision 2020 Australia and its members are keen to see funding streams such as the MRFF expand their focus on eye and vision related research.
To do this, Vision 2020 Australia established the National Eye Research Collaborative in Australia to facilitate a cross sector approach to agreeing to priorities for eye and vision related research and advocating for funding.
In April 2021, Vision 2020 Australia hosted its first National Eye Research Collaborative Forum as a first step in identifying key priorities. The forum brought together over 60 stakeholders with an interest in eye health and vision research including researchers, service providers and services users.
The forum was an opportunity to lay foundations for broader, ongoing collaboration with participants agreeing to a set of principles to guide future collaboration as well as an initial list of priorities for eye health and vision research.
A post-forum report has been developed that provides a high level summary of the areas discussed. This can be accessed in both PDF and accessible formats.
Eye Research Collaborative – National Workshop
The National Eye Research Collaborative Forum and its subsequent work led to the creation of Vision for the Future – A 10 Point Plan to enhance Australian Ophthalmic Research. The plan outlines a list of ten key focus areas where there is both strong cross sector support and a compelling case for additional government investment.
On Nov 19, 1-4pm, Vision 2020 Australia is hosting a virtual workshop to explore and agree on priorities for investment in the key areas outlined in the Vision for the Future – 10 Point Plan to enhance Australian Ophthalmic Research. This can be accessed below in both PDF and accessible formats.
- Vision for the Future – A 10 Point Plan to enhance Australian Ophthalmic Research PDF
- Vision for the Future – A 10 Point Plan to enhance Australian Ophthalmic Research Word
Please email policy@vision2020australia.org.au with any questions about the workshop.
RSVP by Friday 29 October 2021
Click here to register for the workshop
Medical Research Future Fund engagement and submissions
There are periodic reviews undertaken of MRFF strategies and missions, Vision 2020 Australia co-ordinates cross sector submissions to these where its members feel there is value in a consolidated response. Links to those submissions are provided below.
Vision 2020 Australia’s submission in PDF and Word:
- MRFF Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy and Priorities review PDF
- MRFF Australian Medical Research and Innovation Strategy and Priorities review Word
- MRFF Dementia Ageing and Aged Care Mission Review PDF
- MRFF Dementia Ageing and Aged Care Mission Review Word
- MRFF genomics mission review PDF
- MRFF genomics mission review Word
- MRFF Indigenous Health Research Fund mission review PDF
- MRFF Indigenous Health Research Fund mission review Word