
Glaucoma Australia Partnership to Help Over 300,000 Australians



  • MedAdvisor has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Glaucoma Australia, the leading not-for-profit patient support organisation for people living with glaucoma
  • Glaucoma Australia will become a MedAdvisor Health Association Partner and promote the MedAdvisor platform to more than 300,000 Australians estimated to have glaucoma
  • Builds on MedAdvisor’s growing Health Partner network, providing strong third party validation and support from recognised health association bodies
MedAdvisor Limited (ASX: MDR, the Company), Australia’s leading digital medication adherence company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Glaucoma Australia Inc, to help improve medication adherence in patients living with glaucoma.
Glaucoma Australia is the peak not-for-profit patient support organisation for people living with glaucoma in Australia. Glaucoma is a disease that can occur at any age: however the risk increases significantly with advancing age. It affects one in eight Australians over the age of 80 years old and is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide1. It is estimated to effect more than 300,000 people in Australia and the total annual cost of glaucoma is expected to increase to $4.3 billion by 2025.
As part of the collaboration, Glaucoma Australia will become a MedAdvisor Health Association Partner and through its communication channels, will encourage patients living with glaucoma to utilise the MedAdvisor platform. Additionally, MedAdvisor and Glaucoma Australia will collaborate to produce a series of patient education messages that will be delivered via the MedAdvisor platform to help improve medication adherence and understanding of the condition.
The MedAdvisor platform has shown to improve adherence by approximately 20%, through intuitive reminders that alert patients to take their doses, fill their scripts and see the doctor for new scripts. It is hoped that the associated health benefits of improved medication adherence, such as delayed onset of vision loss, will be experienced by people living with glaucoma in Australia.
The collaboration with Glaucoma Australia builds on MedAdvisor’s growing Health Partner network which includes Bupa, Epilepsy Queensland and Painaustralia. The Health Partner network is an important source of patient registrations for MedAdvisor, as it provides third party validation from recognised and credible organisations and additional promotion and support.
Robert Read, CEO of MedAdvisor commented:
“Working collaboratively with key health associations, such as Glaucoma Australia, is one of the most effective ways that we can expand the reach of the MedAdvisor platform to help more Australians improve their health through better medication adherence. We know that
improvement in medication adherence can lead to better health outcomes, such as delaying the onset of vision loss, making this partnership extremely important for over 300,000 glaucoma patients in Australia.”
Geoff Pollard, National Executive Officer of Glaucoma Australia, added:
“Australian prescribing data has shown glaucoma medication persistence was 56% by six months and was further reduced to 48% at one year. Evidence supports a patient-centric selfmanagement approach that facilitates optimal adherence to the medication management plan. Pharmacists who continually stress to patients the need for adherence and persistence with medication management strategies, and provide practical assistance are undertaking a critical action that encourages patients to stay on, and use their treatment in the manner prescribed.
Any tool which can assist patients to better manage and understand their medication is welcome, and we believe MedAdvisor is a great solution for patients living with glaucoma. Working together with MedAdvisor is an important step toward our mission to eliminate glaucoma blindness.”


More information 
Robert Read, CEO
Tel: +61 3 9095 3036
Matthew Wu
Media and Capital Partners
Tel: +61 433 634 706
About MedAdvisor
MedAdvisor is a world class medication management platform focused on addressing the gap and burden of medication adherence. Founded with a desire to simplify medication management, the highly automated and intuitive Australian software system connects patients to their local pharmacy, providing them with real time access to their personal medication records. Available free on mobile and internet devices, the platform also incorporates a variety of valuable and convenient features including reminders and pre-ordering of medications, which together improves adherence by approximately 20%.
Since launching in 2013, MedAdvisor has over 200,000 registered users and is connected with a third of pharmacies across Australia. With the recent GP software integration enabling patients to order script renewals remotely from their doctor; MedAdvisor continues to lead the way in delivering innovative patient centred health solutions.
About Glaucoma Australia
Glaucoma Australia is the peak glaucoma awareness/education/support association in Australia since 1988. It is a registered, national not-for-profit organisation whose Mission is: To eliminate glaucoma blindness. For more information on glaucoma visit