Vision 2020 Australia’s 12th Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held yesterday in Sydney with 13 members in attendance. Key items included approving updates to the Constitution and the election of Directors to the Board.
The Hon Dr Barry Jones AO presented the 2012-13 Annual General Report and the Directors’ and Auditor Reports, including financials for the year ending 30 June (also available on the website).
A special resolution to approve the draft Constitution was a key AGM agenda item. During the year the Board and the Corporate and Governance Standing Committee have been involved in preparing to reclassify Vision 2020 Australia as a Health Promotion Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission (ACNC). In preparation for the application to the ACNC for reclassification, Vision 2020 Australia’s Constitution was reviewed. The special resolution to approve the revised Constitution was carried by the members.
An election of Directors to the Board was another key item during the meeting. Continuing Directors not standing for election included the Hon Dr Barry Jones AO, Professor Hugh Taylor AC, Ms Amanda Davis, Ms Janet Holmes a` Court AC and Dr Graeme White.
In addition to those above, the following Directors were elected to the Vision 2020 Australia Board:
- Dr Iain Dunlop
- Ms Karen Hayes
- Mr John Howie
- Mr John Jeffries
- Prof Brian Layland OAM
- Ms Maureen O’ Keefe
At the conclusion of the AGM, the Vision 2020 Australia committees provided updates on the year’s key activity. Members were also presented with the committee nominees for the coming term to begin in the new year.
The event was held at the Brien Holden Vision Institute in Sydney.