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31 Dec

Case Study – Ruby Wood

Ruby Wood has lived in the same Melbourne house for almost 60 years and knows every nook and cranny of it. But when the 86-year-old was declared legally blind in 2005 due to age-related macular degeneration she feared she would be forced to move.

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31 Dec

Case Study – Sybil Tothill

Sybil Tothill adores Fred. The lovable guide dog is not only her companion but also her eyes. But if she'd had a simple eye test she might never have needed him.

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03 Dec

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities today, Vision 2020 Australia commends the Australian Government for its initial achievements overseas to improve the lives of people living with a disability.

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23 Jun

Impact of vision loss in Australia

An Access Economics report into the impact of vision loss in Australia, Clear Focus, has found that over 400,000 Australians with vision loss could have their sight restored.

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24 Mar

Global Consortium to eliminate avoidable blindness

Australian Government and Vision 2020 Australia Global Consortium set to transform the lives of millions throughout South East Asia and the Pacific over the next 10 years.

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22 Mar

New arrangements for vision impaired voters

Announcement of new measures to provide a legal framework for blind and vision impaired electors to cast a secret vote at the next federal election.

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03 Mar

Parliamentary Friends Group Dinner 23 June 2010

Vision 2020 Australia’s 10-year anniversary of VISION 2020: The Right to Sight.

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