40 years on from the launch of the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program

This year marks the fortieth anniversary of the start of the National Trachoma and Eye Health Program. The program, run by the Royal Australian College of Ophthalmology, set out to eliminate trachoma and other eye conditions in rural and remote communities and, for the first time, record the status of eye health in rural Australia. Gabi Hollows describes the ambitious project and her recent visit to the Oromia region in Ethiopia.  

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Q&A with Brian Doolan (CEO, The Fred Hollows Foundation)

In the third interview of our Q&A series, Vision 2020 Australia talks to The Fred Hollows Foundation CEO, Brian Doolan about The Foundation’s recent win of The Australian Charity of the Year award, principles for running an effective charity business and key projects in Indigenous Australia and abroad.

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