Dee Hopkins
For those diagnosed with diabetes, managing the core disease can be an intimidating prospect. Add to this a long list of potential health complications they will need to be vigilant of, such as cardiovascular disease and kidney damage, and it’s not surprising to learn that eyes are not high on the radar.
During Macula Month, we want all Australians at risk to think about their macula health; learn the risk factors associated with macular disease; have a regular, comprehensive eye examination and ask about their macula.
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Sarah Zerbib
This week Melbourne welcomes thousands of visitors from around the world to the 22nd World Diabetes Congress.The five day Congress brings together leading health care professionals, experts in the field of diabetes as well as people with diabetes to discuss issues, share knowledge and raise awareness of diabetes.
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Vision 2020 Australia
In the third interview of our Q&A series, Vision 2020 Australia talks to The Fred Hollows Foundation CEO, Brian Doolan about The Foundation’s recent win of The Australian Charity of the Year award, principles for running an effective charity business and key projects in Indigenous Australia and abroad.
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Jennifer Gersbeck
What a month May has been for global eye health! Not only have we had the new Global Action Plan adopted at the World Health Assembly but large steps have also been taken towards the development of the draft Regional Action Plan.
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