Courtney graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Arts (International Studies) from Deakin University in October 2011. During her studies, Courtney took part in the Australian Consortium for In-Country Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) program for one year in Indonesia, and a six month legal internship in Cambodia. Courtney has followed her interest in Indonesian studies, and recently graduated with First Class Honours from the Honours in Indonesian Language Program at Deakin University, and was selected as an Australian delegate for the inaugural Conference of Australian and Indonesian Youth in October this year. Courtney has been working with Vision 2020 Australia in Global since January 2011 to continue expanding her knowledge of international development.

What’s happening in foreign aid? A brief overview and analysis for the eye health sector

Just last week, the Senate Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade References Committee released a report from the Inquiry into Australia’s overseas aid and development assistance program. Here is a brief overview and analysis for the eye health sector.

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The Global Consortium is changing lives

Programs of the Vision 2020 Australia Global Consortium are having a profound impact on the lives of people living in Asia and the Pacific. Through extensive planning and collaborative program implementation, Consortium programs are reducing levels of blindness, building local capacity, strengthening infrastructure, and encouraging local buy-in to ensure all efforts are sustainable for years to come.

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