Brien Holden Vision Institute Foundation is a global non-profit, non-governmental organisation and the public health division of Brien Holden Vision Institute. In the last fourteen years, the Institute has delivered sustainable eye care services, education and training programs in 54 countries. The Institute is focused on the elimination of uncorrected vision impairment and avoidable blindness by developing eye care solutions within communities in most need, thereby improving opportunities in education, employment and quality of life. The public health division of the Institute is supported by Optometry Giving Sight.
Brien Holden Vision Institute Foundation
A colloquium on Indigenous Eye Health held at the 12th National Rural Health Conference Adelaide, 7-10 of April, showcased the significance of the coordination of eye health services in Aboriginal Community Controlled Services (AMSs). In rural and remote parts of Australia, Regional Eye Health Coordinators have a pivotal role in delivering eye care services to Aboriginal communities. Despite their function, training has never been nationally endorsed for eye health workers.
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