
Tax discussion paper targets NFPs. Have your say.

UPDATE: A response submission has been drafted and is available for download in the Resources section of this website.

The tax concessions that currently apply to the Australian not-for-profit sector are in the spotlight, after being pinpointed as a potential area of savings for the Australian Government in the recently released tax discussion paper: Re:think. Better tax, better Australia.

As it stands, tax concessions for the not-for -profit sector enable NFP organisations to attract and retain highly skilled staff. Ultimately, it allows the sector to be competitive with the corporate and public sectors. Without these concessions it is possible that the sector could become less competitive in the job market as the cost of employing staff is likely to rise.

Vision 2020 Australia will be drafting a submission on behalf of the eye health and vision care sector in response to the discussion paper and invites member organisations to contribute to the submission. The particular issues to be addressed in this submission are outlined in a summary of the discussion paper .

Due date for all submissions is 1 June 2015, therefore the draft submission will be circulated to member organisation for feedback in the coming weeks.